Door to Door Transport for Medical Appointments
FYTbus provides a door-to-door transport service for medical appointments to residents of the West Wight. In addition to our minibuses we have a wheelchair accessible car which is fitted with a ramp and provides space for a seated wheelchair passenger and up to three carers. We can take you to outpatients at St Mary’s or to your dentist, optician or for other medical care.
Costs for round trips (from 1 April 2024)
- St Mary’s Hospital or another clinic in Newport £20.00
- Brookside or other West Wight appointment £10.00
To request transport please email or phone 01983 752917 any weekday morning at least two working days before your appointment.
Please note that we are not a taxi service and, so we can help the greatest number of people, you may have other passengers in the vehicle with you and may arrive at the hospital earlier than your appointment time. You may also have to wait for return transport if another person’s appointment finishes later than yours. However where we can combine appointments the cost of the round trip will be shared between the appointments.
*** We will do our best to help but cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide a vehicle and driver. ***